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Winter Solstice

Myths and mysteries of ancient civilizations

Willcamayu River, sacred valley of the Incas

Winter Solstice in the Sacred Valley of the Incas

Myths and mysteries of ancient civilizations

Huchuy Qosqo Inca Village

The Sacred Valley of the Incas holds more than one secret and discoveries revealing the magic and knowledge of ancient civilizations continue to flourish. From Cusco, the mythical city of the Incas, passing by the banks of the Wilcamayu River and the peaks of the mountains of the Sacred Valley, this photography course will immerse you in a discovery of past civilizations and an understanding of the ecological issues of the present. Twelve days of photographic trekking in the heart of the mysteries of ancient civilizations.

12 day trip

from June 19 to July 1, 2024

Group of 4 to 8 participants

Trek level

from easy to demanding


3500 €

All inclusive
(flights not included)

Path to Huchuy Qosqo, Inca village

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L´esprit de ce voyage

Pour ce voyage, notre thématique tournera autour du solstice d´hiver, un moment d´une grande importance pour les civilisations anciennes du Pérou. Ce thème vous permettra de vous plonger au coeur de la cosmovision andine et de sentir cette connexion particulière avec la nature. Sur le plan photographique, vous aurez l´occasion d´explorer la photo de paysages, de situations, de carnet de voyage, de reportage en plus de pouvoir approfondir de nombreuses connaissances techniques.  

The strong points

- Connect with the winter solstice in the Andean cosmovision.

- Visit a small village of llama breeders on the heights of the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

- Discover trails and archaeological sites little frequented by tourism.

- An authentic experience in contact with the locals.

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